We couldn’t finish up Glenn Matthews story without one more item saluting this unique Veteran, Pilot, Air Show Announcer, Painter, and – fortunately for us – Why Fly Contributor.
So here’s “Glenn Matthews Flies Again.”
Glenn Matthews Flies Again – video
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That was TERRIFIC!! I don’t know Glenn Matthews but I wish I did. (I do know Rotten Bruce P and I am proud to call him a friend – nice job Brucenik!)
I guess stories like this are what WhyFly is all about huh? Like I said , terrific!
You’re right, Nigel.
And I’d say the look on Glenn Matthews face at the end of his on-screen interview – after a lifetime in the air (including WW2 and 2 major crashes ) – THAT’S what Why Fly is all about.
Glenn Norman, Michelle, Bruce (Rotten), Francois, Tom and all the Tiger boys…I thank you.
I’m having a hard time typing this. It’s difficult to see through the tears. Why tears? Never in a million years did I ever expect anyone to spaend time documenting a history of my life. It is simply overwhelming.
Ah, shucks…I mentioned that I was having a hard time typing and sure enough I mispelled “spend”. Oh, well. But it gives me an opportunity to repeat: What a tremendous piece of work you all have done. To Glenn Norman I have to say I’d almost forgotten the interview you did. How many people are aware of how difficult it is to come up with appropriate answers during a taping? Thank goodness I didn’t make a complete ass of myself. Glenn, I’ll remember that time in the hangar with fondness for the rest of my life. Thank you, my friend.
Okay, one last thought and then I’ll shut up. I want to also acknowledge my wife Kate. (Did you see her giving me a big hug at the end of the flight).
Without her wizardry on the computer, the connection with Glenn and the Tiger Boys would never have been made. Thank you, my love.
To Glenn M from Glenn N.
Such beautiful, heart-felt words are hard to respond to … but there are a few points I feel I have to make: #1 … People who live extraordinary lives rarely see them as extraordinary. It’s just “what they do.” Well, I don’t know how to break this to you, but – not everyone soloed a Tiger Moth after ½ an hour of instruction, survived TWO bomber crashes AND World War Two, was an Announcer for one of Canada’s premier Air Shows – for twenty five years, Wing Walked, became a masterful painter, and – most important of all – went on to find the love of his life, and still loves her. (BTW, I would have used more footage of Kate if I thought I could get away with it, but I knew she’d have my head – so I snuck her in where I could.) #2… As for your interview responses in the hangar … you were set up, my friend. The rest of the interview was just to put you at ease. I knew that if I waited for the right moment, then popped the big question – “Why Fly?” – a pro like you would respond with an answer that would DEFINE what we’re trying to do here. What I didn’t realize – never expected – was that you’d do it with a SMILE. All of that, put together, is why you ARE extraordinary … and an example to all of us following tentatively in footsteps we can never fill.
Just an honor and a privilege to be part of this ‘venture’ and ‘meet’ people like Glenn and Glenn (in random order) and all the others :-).
Loved your stories Glenn (of Kate) and the interview as well!
The funny thing is that a few years ago I stayed in Abbotsford and drove along the BACK of the field, without knowing what all had taken place there. Now I do 🙂
We appreciate all your hard work, Francois.
Kate (of Glenn)