A Seafire at Oshkosh

Maybe not what we your regularly (tongue-in-cheek) publish on WhyFly, but someone pointed me to this little video of a Seafire and its restorer/owner at Oshkosh. Being an old Spitfire fan myself, I just could not resist to share this man’s enthusiasm and knowledge for and of the old lady.…

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Glenn Matthews Goes Wing Walking!

Accompanying Chapter 5 of his life story, Glenn Matthews found this old bit of film footage of the Wing Walk he did. It is shot with an old 8mm camera, so the quality is not ‘digital’. Nonetheless we wanted to share it with you! Enjoy!

(You will need Adobe’s Flash Player installed to view our movies)
{Click on the title to read the entire article}

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Sky Candy – T.J. & The Widge

[Complimentary Content]
Given the phenomenal response to Michelle Goodeve’s moving essay, “A Memory of Choice,” we thought we’d let you experience a flight in “T.J.” for yourself. Sit back and enjoy the view as Michelle takes you flying in The Tiger Boys’ Thruxton Jackaroo!

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