Welcome to WhyFly !

As you’ll see, we're much more than an “online aviation magazine.” We're a multi-media experience with a very different focus from most of what's out there.
We know you’ll enjoy what you read, see, and hear ... and we look forward to having you as a member of our ever-expanding Why Fly family!
If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Welcome aboard!
Glenn Norman, Michelle Goodeve, and Francois Dumas
Random videos

Ode to an old Aviator
WhyFly is about the love of flying, and hence, about emotions that go with it.

Widgie Flies Canada’s First Cub
Every airplane has a story. When you know it, it makes the flying even sweeter.

Glenn Matthews Flies Again – video
We couldn't finish up Glenn Matthews story without one more item saluting this unique Veteran, Pilot, Air Show Announcer, Painter, and - fortunately for us - Why Fly Contributor.
So here's "Glenn Matthews Flies Again."

Truly awesome footage from a helicopter
I hope you can stream full-screen 1080 HD video on your internet link. If you can, you’ll agree with me that this is one of the most awesome places on earth and one of the most wonderful ways of showing it! The 10 minute video is showing you the Tre Cime, the most famous rock…
RIP Tom Dietrich
50 years PPL !
Women Fly !
Crosswind !
Didier’s Auster Adventure
Working on it
Website ‘issues’
‘New’ WhyFly 3.0
Glenn’s Review of Travels with Puff
Richard Bach’s new book !
Video by Michelle and Glenn, announcing Richard Bach’s latest book to appear March 19th, 2013 !
On Richard’s Crash…
Changes again
We’re just not giving up !
We’re back… sort of !
Husband, Father, Friend and Aviator Glenn Matthews Passed Away
It is with sadness in our hearts that we must inform our readers of yet another one of history’s great Canadian aviators passing away last Friday, September 23rd, and exchanging this earthly existence for that place where they really belong: the sky. Glenn Norman posted the article below on Facebook…
Truly awesome footage from a helicopter
Flying Through ‘My Mountains’
Through the wonderful ‘Facebook’ list of friends I stumbled onto a video depicting the flying that I have been doing most. And no, I am not a ‘normal’ student pilot, as you will see. Most start flying in a Cessna 150 or similar, preferably in nice weather and over flat…
Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear (Episode #24) “Bach’s Invitational Cross Country Adventure – Part Four”
Ode to an old Aviator
We'll clean up later
Because of all the (time related mostly) troubles of these past years we had many starts and re-starts of the site. And lots of 'news' and private jets uk is related to yet another 'start'. We'll remove these messages as soon as we are REALLY into it all again and adding new aviation related content.
Stay tuned for more in the weeks and months to come. REALLY ! *grin*